借古懷今,以傳統礦物顏料、文人畫的筆觸, 描繪出現代的故鄕回憶 作品一覽 ARTWORKS 雪竹、京都上河圖 Snowy Bamboo and Along the River of Kyoto 黄岑嶺與唐樓長廊 - 張愛玲 Huang Cen Ling and Tenement House — Eileen Chang 城煌閣 City God Pavilion 無樂不作 No Play No Gain 黄岑嶺與唐樓長廊-悟道者 Huang Cen Ling and Tenement House — Bruce Lee 朝花夕拾 Story of Nostalgia 菊花熱茶 On Chrysanthemum Herbal Tea 華道 Ikebana 洛神花熱茶 On Roselle Tea 藍莓 Sourness, Sweetness and a bit of Bitterness 梔子熱茶 On Gardenia Herbal Tea 昂坪月色 Full Moon on Ngong Ping 黄岑嶺與唐樓長廊- 船長的下午茶 Huang Cen Ling and Tenement House — the Afternoon Tea of the Captain 天燈雙燕 Swallows Carry Your Wish 素履往 Walk Back To Your Heart 銀杏秘境 The Mystery of Ginkery 菊花熱茶 II On Chrysanthemum Herbal Tea II 靈雲悟桃花 Peach blossom in the Enlightening Mist 流星 Fire Star 魚膳 The Fish Supper 賞⽯ The Literati’s Aerolith 風土 Homeland Breeze TOP